For who sings this is important to know

when you will rehearse a musical start with the study of music. You examine:

sharps or flats, and if so, how much?

Ask yourself what notes respectively, increased or reduced, and try to remember this …

You’re trying to understand the structure. You dig into the other parties, such as the piano part. This provides support and then it is becoming clearer when you just have to bet and have to sing louder or softer. You start by reading sheet music and musical notes to take.

Musical instructions having to do with dynamics:

p … piano = soft
pp … tad soft
f = …. forte hard
ff … heeeel hard
mz … mezzo-forte = average hardness
crescendo: from soft to tougher swelling
decrescendo: from loud decreasing to softer

Musical notes rate; the pace is often specifically designated as a metronome number:

Largo: broad and carried 40-60
Lento: 40-60 slow
Adagio easy 66-76
Andante: tranquil walking speed 69-84
Allegro: happy and cheerful 98-120
Moderato: average 108-120
Vivace: 144-160 lively
Presto: quick 168-192

Combinations like and molto assai. Example: assai prestolino, or rather quickly; poco rallentando or slightly retarding.

Accelerando (accel.): Accelerating
A tempo: return to the pace of the change
Animato: lively, cheerful
Animando: becoming livelier, slightly accelerating

Assai: much, very, quite, quite
Calando: decreasing in strength and speed
L’Istesso rate: same pace
Molto: many
Meno mosso: less agile, slower
Più mosso: agile, faster
Poco a bit, somewhat
Poco a poco: little by little, gradually
Rallentando (rall.): retardant
Rapido quick, usually refers to a small group of notes, one also sees it rapidissimo or veloce.
Ritardando (drive.) Retardant
ritenuto a little slower, but this is not always a tempo marking, but can also be a character display (translation: ‘restrained’)
Rubato “stolen” the pace is within the size-balanced and regular slow and accelerate.
String Endo increasing in both strength and pace
Tempo primo: return to the original tempo, usually at the start of a new section.

Text analysis

Then you dig into the text. How is the language of the statement that you’re singing? It is very nice if you have the accent of the language you sing tries as best as possible to speak definitely not a Dutch way. What is the meaning of the story? What is it about? Find different translations and interpretations to feel to what a state of mind is required of you? Read more about language and text


What about the piece rhythmically together? If all goes well you knew what kind of size is the piece. Then you go rhythmically decompose. What about the cadence (the zwoeng)? For example, if a size 12/8, tel up to 3 or 4 and and? Rhythm exercises

Your Nuts line

Then will you study your notes line. What nuts are? There are single or sometimes double reductions or increases? What are the intervals? Start first read and play the melody (preferably) on the piano or synthesizer. Once you start singing first practice with the Lax Vox and then fits a vowel that with you. At what point is it useful to breathe so you can hold out that long line in a pleasant way? If you encounter technical problems, please write briefly and consult with your singing teacher how this can go deal. Always stop practicing once your throat indicates this.

Also read about tips-for-voice
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Sources: Wikipedia – Atlas the singing of Ank Reinders